Thursday 3 May 2012

Cellular phony in class rooms! Permissible???

“Get out of my class”!!! Those were the last words my friend heard from our teacher, yesterday in the class.  He was caught playing with his cell phone rather than concentrating on the white board. This blog of mine pertains to the sizzling topic of use of mobiles phones in class rooms.
One of my respected teachers, back in college days used to quote that,” One good reason why computers do more work than people is that they never have to stop and answer the phone.” And one good reason that why I never agreed him was that whenever he was off duty, he was found to be engaged in his cell phone. Well I have to satisfy myself, someway! So without much ado, I will get straight to pros and cons of cellular phony in classrooms and probably get to better conclusion in the end.
It is not at all surprising that mobiles remained banned in secondary and higher secondary schools in most countries of the world ‘as technology is an unlucky maid and seldom accepted immediately’. But in 2009, a certain research based studies were carried out to find the practical application of mobile devices. A project, TACCLE Project, particularly studied the use of mobiles as a learning tool in classrooms for the students of secondary and intermediate classes. What distinguished their work is that they went for the practical research, observed and interviewed teachers and students in the institution where mobiles are allowed. And of course where the dialogue; “get of my class” is not too often heard by the students.

Well here I’m not bounding myself to only schools, colleges or universities. I am talking about general use of mobiles in classrooms. Mobile phones with simple devices such as camera and recorders can be very useful in life science classes, lab experiments where pupils can take pictures or even make video of the experiment and can memorize it easily. Mobiles can be used to enhance the creativity of young minds by formulating best text SMSs, twitter messages, text blog or even picture blogs. Students can build their confidence by asking those questions which they find difficult or they are embarrassed to ask in the class publicly. Through SMS polling, students can send immediate messages to teachers for formative assessment. Can be used as a dictionary, spell checker, thesaurus and as an encyclopedia.

Engineering and medical students can use them in various beneficial ways during the classrooms, by referring quickly the periodic tables, log tables, plotting graphs through various graphical applications.

            If students are guided and educated about the proper use of mobile phones, it can be used as a learning tool. Pupils should be coached for a constructive use of cell phones, for acquisition of knowledge on a quick basis. They can be taught the ways of avoiding the abuse of mobile devices such as net safety, phony identities and cyber crimes.
 Thank you very much, I hope my blog was helpful. Don't forget to leave a comment below. Special thanx to the guys starring in the pic, Syed Haroon fida,Muhammad hamid and mujtaba nawaz(from left to right).
Reference of the 3rd and last paragraph: from Miss Raheela's article in The NEWS.

Saturday 28 April 2012

And the World around me sleepzzz...

“O nadaan parindey ghar ajaa”! Mohit Chohan croons inside my headphones. It’s the dreadful hour in a rainy night. I have an Electronics final exam tomorrow and I have this Schilling book lying wide open on my lap. My ballpoint seems to be doing a slow waltz over the paper, pensive and deliberate. Having a feeling of culpability, of not doing it on the right day. The clock ticks like a time bomb, and the hours are passing like minutes.

               I sneeze through my nose, with a pathetic looking face. I feel like I’m the loneliest guy on this planet. So I decided to listen to “Boulevard of broken dreams”. ‘I walk this empty street …On the boulevard of broken dreams…when the city sleeps…and I’m the only one and I walk alone... ’. Relishing the melodious voice of Billie Joe. While the rest of the world around me sleepzzz.

   And so here I am, in a dreadful hour on a rainy night, at my ultimate examination worst. I’m biting my nails, pulling at my hair, consuming my own weight in coffee and generally getting ulcer. I used to die a bit every time I open a book to learn by heart. And my situation tonight is worth deserving. The world is dark, miserable place with smells of dread mixed with instant coffee and happiness is a faint, glittering thing with wings, fluttering at the end of my date-sheet.

I know too well the pressure to perform, the fear of trying and failing. But it’s not that which my anxiety attacks set on a hair-trigger. It’s the choking feeling of not being completely free; the distracting presence of a troublesome itch that won’t go away. Yes it’s the fear of Zahir khan, Ahhhh the fatal and calamitous! It’s the anticipated dread of impending obligations, of no longer being able to stop and feel the quiet joy of smelling the scent of a rainy night as it melts away in a streaming cup of coffee. There’s no safety in numbers. The people who share my misery, my comrades-in-arms, are all barricaded behind monosyllabic text messages. My Facebook homepage looks dead and deserted; my notifications flew away like a butterfly departs the flower. Sleep seems as far away as moon and I’m all alone drifting on a lonely meteor, while the rest of the world around me sleepzzz...

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Is involvement of youth in politics justified?

The most progressive, articulate, inspired, and dynamic segment of the country's population is the student's community. The students being young and energetic, are a bundle of inflammable material, which at touch of a spark ignites into a large fire like forest fire. They, being young have no patience,are lively and malleable.
The question of engagement of the youth in politics is very straightforward. In political affairs the involvement of students in not necessary but their participation is reasonable at some extent.
The first law of students union was made in 1894 in Europe.But student's politics is banned since 1982 due to some crucial events.
Why an ordinary student want to participate in practical politics??? Children entering the arena of politics the the art of public speaking. They learn to be assertive and impressive. This medium is a good stepping stone to the art of leadership. The important and real advantage is that student in these prime years of life gain a lot of knowledge of politics which gives them training to enter the arena as trained politicians.
  Well of course there's nothing without advantages and disadvantages, so does this involvement of youth in politics. Disadvantages outnumber the advantages. firstly, while the students, have primarily entered college for studies they get distracted from their prime objective and become entangled in the dirty game of politics.
The energy and time they use or waster in masterminding political moves, could well be used to study. The entry of politics in the premises of educational institutes has caused many a damage to several students.
                      After studying the pros and cons of students participation in politics, the disadvantages are more damaging than the gains acquired in the sequence. For all the advantages students gain, can as well be achieved so in other ways also and there is no need for their entry in politics.In the end I would only conclude that STUDENTS MUST STAY AWAY FROM POLITICS and retain their interest in studies which alone can help them steer the ships of their lives.
Thank you very much,Don't forget to leave a comment below, Ur comments will be highly appreciated.